Fugitol RPMs
RedHat/EL 7


perl-MIME-Types - MIME types module for Perl

MIME types are used in many applications, for instance as part of e-mail
and HTTP traffic, to indicate the type of content that is transmitted.

Sometimes detailed knowledge about a mime-type is need; however, this
module only knows about the file-name extensions that relate to some
file-type.  It can also be used to produce the right format: types that
are not registered at IANA need to use 'x-' prefixes.
License: GPL+ or Artistic Group: development/libraries
URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/MIME-Types/ Source: perl-MIME-Types-2.04-2.rhel7.fio.src.rpm


Latest: perl-MIME-Types-2.04-2.rhel7.fio.noarch.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
perl-MIME-Types 0 2.04 2.rhel7.fio noarch 56 KiB 2014-08-16 09:34:48


* 2013-09-12 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 2.04-1
- Update to 2.04:
  - Fix one more localize $_ in ::Types::_read_db() (CPAN RT#87856)
* 2013-09-04 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 2.03-1
- Update to 2.03:
  - Fix typo in docs (CPAN RT#88394)
  - Require perl 5.8.8, for <:encoding
  - Updated IANA
  - A bit more DESCRIPTION
- Update %description
* 2013-08-18 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 2.02-1
- Update to 2.02:
  - Localize DB and $_ in ::Types::_read_db() (CPAN RT#87856)
* 2013-08-04 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 2.01-1
- Update to 2.01:
  - Add dummy ::Types::create_type_index() because
    Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple calls it :(
* 2013-08-03 - Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng[AT]lists.fedoraproject[DOTORG]> - 2.00-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild

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