Fugitol RPMs
RedHat/EL 6


flac-devel - Development libraries and header files from FLAC

This package contains all the files needed to develop applications that
will use the Free Lossless Audio Codec.
License: BSD and GPLv2+ and GFDL Group: development/libraries
URL: http://www.xiph.org/flac/ Source: flac-1.3.0-2.rhel6.fio.src.rpm


Latest: flac-devel-1.3.0-2.rhel6.fio.i686.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
flac-devel 0 1.3.0 2.rhel6.fio i686 295 KiB 2014-01-13 23:21:03


* 2013-06-03 - Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> 1.3.0-2
- fix memory corruption in metaflac (#969259)
- disable slower assembly code
* 2013-05-28 - Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> 1.3.0-1
- update to 1.3.0
* 2013-04-02 - Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> 1.3.0-0.2.pre3
- update to 1.3.0pre3
* 2013-03-05 - Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> 1.3.0-0.1.pre1
- update to 1.3.0pre1
- make some dependencies arch-specific
* 2013-02-13 - Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng[AT]lists.fedoraproject[DOTORG]> - 1.2.1-13.20121204gita43f56
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild

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