Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 6


rubygem-actionmailer - Service layer for easy email delivery and testing

Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.
License: MIT Group: development/languages
URL: http://www.rubyonrails.org Source: rubygem-actionmailer-4.0.2-1.el6.fio.src.rpm


Latest: rubygem-actionmailer-4.0.2-1.el6.fio.noarch.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
rubygem-actionmailer 1 4.0.2 1.el6.fio noarch 24 KiB 2013-12-30 20:55:20


* 2013-12-05 - Josef Stribny <jstribny[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1:4.0.2-1
- Update to ActionMailer 4.0.2
* 2013-11-14 - Josef Stribny <jstribny[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1:4.0.1-1
- Update to ActionMailer 4.0.1.
* 2013-08-08 - Josef Stribny <jstribny[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1:4.0.0-1
- Update to ActionMailer 4.0.0.
* 2013-08-04 - Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng[AT]lists.fedoraproject[DOTORG]> - 1:3.2.13-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
* 2013-03-19 - Vít Ondruch <vondruch[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1:3.2.13-1
- Update to ActionMailer 3.2.13.

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