Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 6


perl-Module-ExtractUse - Find out what modules are used

Module::ExtractUse is basically a Parse::RecDescent grammar to parse Perl
code. It tries very hard to find all modules (whether pragmas, Core, or
from CPAN) used by the parsed code.
License: GPL+ or Artistic Group: development/libraries
URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-ExtractUse/ Source: perl-Module-ExtractUse-0.28-1.el6.fio.src.rpm


Latest: perl-Module-ExtractUse-0.28-1.el6.fio.noarch.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
perl-Module-ExtractUse 0 0.28 1.el6.fio noarch 27 KiB 2013-08-29 10:03:01


* 2012-08-21 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 0.28-1
- Update to 0.28
  - Whitespace in use base is valid
* 2012-07-20 - Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng[AT]lists.fedoraproject[DOTORG]> - 0.27-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
* 2012-06-16 - Petr Pisar <ppisar[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 0.27-3
- Perl 5.16 rebuild
* 2012-05-31 - Petr Pisar <ppisar[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 0.27-2
- Round Module::Build version to 2 digits
* 2012-03-23 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 0.27-1
- Update to 0.27
  - Removed Test::NoWarnings from a t/23_universal_require.t because it upsets
    the (manual) plan if the tests are skipped

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