Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 6


perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction - Expose PL_dirty, the flag that marks global destruction

Perl's global destruction is a little tricky to deal with with respect to
finalizers because it's not ordered and objects can sometimes disappear.

Writing defensive destructors is hard and annoying, and usually if global
destruction is happening you only need the destructors that free up non
process local resources to actually execute.

For these constructors you can avoid the mess by simply bailing out if
global destruction is in effect.
License: GPL+ or Artistic Group: development/libraries
URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Devel-GlobalDestruction Source: perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.11-1.el6.fio.src.rpm


Latest: perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.11-1.el6.fio.x86_64.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction 0 0.11 1.el6.fio x86_64 16 KiB 2013-08-29 11:17:18


* 2013-04-03 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 0.11-1
- Update to 0.11
  - Fix upgrading from version 0.09 or older
- This release by HAARG -> update source URL
* 2013-03-27 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 0.10-1
- Update to 0.10 (#928262)
  - Rewrite pure-perl implementation in terms of B::main_start (greatly
    simplifies code)
  - Fix pure-perl behavior under $^C (CPAN RT#78619)
  - Separate XS portion into a compiler-optional dependency
- Bump perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive) version requirement to 0.001006
- Package is always noarch now
- BR:/R: perl(Devel::GlobalDestruction::XS) with perl < 5.13.7
- BR: perl(threads::shared) for the test suite
* 2013-02-14 - Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng[AT]lists.fedoraproject[DOTORG]> - 0.09-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
* 2012-08-09 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 0.09-1
- Update to 0.09
  - Rewrite completely broken pure-perl GD detection under threads
  - Fix pure-perl implementation incorrectly reporting GD during END phase
- This release by RIBASUSHI -> update source URL
* 2012-08-01 - Paul Howarth <paul[AT]city-fan[DOTORG]> - 0.08-1
- Update to 0.08
  - Switch to Sub::Exporter::Progressive
- BR: perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive) ≥ 0.001002 rather than plain

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