Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 6

system environment/libraries

boost-compat-bitcoin-python - Run-Time component of boost python library

The Boost Python Library is a framework for interfacing Python and
C++. It allows you to quickly and seamlessly expose C++ classes
functions and objects to Python, and vice versa, using no special
tools -- just your C++ compiler.  This package contains run-time
support for Boost Python Library.
License: Boost and MIT and Python Group: system environment/libraries
URL: http://www.boost.org Source: boost-compat-bitcoin-1.50.0-5.1.el6.fio.src.rpm


Latest: boost-compat-bitcoin-python-1.50.0-5.1.el6.fio.i686.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
boost-compat-bitcoin-python 0 1.50.0 5.1.el6.fio i686 128 KiB 2013-12-03 02:39:31


* 2013-03-23 - Michael Hampton <support[AT]ringingliberty[DOTCOM]> 1.50.0-5.1
- Backport from Fedora
- Change names to boost-compat-bitcoin
- Change installation paths to /opt/boost-compat-bitcoin
- Build without Python 3 which is not available on RHEL
- Build without MPI as not necessary for Bitcoin
* 2013-02-13 - Petr Machata <pmachata[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1.50.0-5
- Update %description to reflect current state of C++
  standardization.  Courtesy of Jonathan Wakely.  (#837813)
- Fix classifying incomplete UTF-8 sequences in Boost.Locale (#907481)
* 2012-08-15 - Petr Machata <pmachata[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1.50.0-4
- Override boost_thread-mt.so with a linker script that brings in
  Boost.System DSO as well.
* 2012-08-08 - Petr Machata <pmachata[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1.50.0-3
- boost-python3 shouldn't be under the overall boost umbrella
* 2012-08-07 - Petr Machata <pmachata[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1.50.0-2
- Enable Python 3 builds.  This is still disabled in Boost MPI, which
  doesn't seem to support Python 3

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