Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 6

system environment/libraries

jemalloc - General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation

General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc(3) implementation.
This distribution is the stand-alone "portable" implementation of jemalloc.
License: BSD Group: system environment/libraries
URL: http://www.canonware.com/jemalloc/


Latest: jemalloc-3.6.0-1.el6.fio.src.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
jemalloc 0 3.6.0 1.el6.fio src 345 KiB 2014-04-30 01:29:01


* 2014-03-31 - Ingvar Hagelund <ingvar[AT]redpill-linpro[DOTCOM]> - 3.6.0-1
- New upstream release. This release fixes a critical regression
* 2014-03-28 - Ingvar Hagelund <ingvar[AT]redpill-linpro[DOTCOM]> - 3.5.1-1
- New upstream release
- Updated nopprof patch to match new release
- Fixed a few bogus changelog entries
* 2013-08-03 - Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng[AT]lists.fedoraproject[DOTORG]> - 3.4.0-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
* 2013-06-07 - Ingvar Hagelund <ingvar[AT]redpill-linpro[DOTCOM]> - 3.4.0-1
- New upstream release
* 2013-03-11 - Ingvar Hagelund <ingvar[AT]redpill-linpro[DOTCOM]> - 3.3.1-1
- New upstream release
- Dropped s390 patch, it's in upstream now.

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