Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 6


perl-Config-MVP - Multivalue-property config-loading state machine

First, you should probably read the example of using Config::MVP. If you already
know how it works, keep going.

Config::MVP::Assembler is a helper for constructing a Config::MVP::Sequence
object. It's a very simple state machine that lets you signal what kind of
events you've encountered while reading configuration.
License: Artistic/GPL Group: applications/cpan
URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Config-MVP/ Source: perl-Config-MVP-2.200002-1.el6.fio.src.rpm


Latest: perl-Config-MVP-2.200002-1.el6.fio.noarch.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
perl-Config-MVP 0 2.200002 1.el6.fio noarch 51 KiB 2012-10-03 09:31:39


* 2012-10-02 - Lott Caskey <lottc[AT]fugitol[DOTCOM]> - 2.200002-1
- Initial package.

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