Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 6

system environment/base

rpmforge-release - RPMforge release file and RPM repository configuration

RPMforge.net release file. This package contains apt, yum and smart
configuration for the RPMforge RPM Repository, as well as the public
GPG keys used to sign them.
License: GPL Group: system environment/base
URL: http://rpmforge.net/


Latest: rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
rpmforge-release 0 0.5.2 2.el6.rf i686 12 KiB 2010-11-12 22:55:42


* 2010-11-13 - Dag Wieers <dag[AT]wieers[DOTCOM]> - 0.5.2-2 - 9251+/dag
- Added entries for extras repository.
* 2010-11-11 - Dag Wieers <dag[AT]wieers[DOTCOM]> - 0.5.2-1
- Added entries for RHEL6.
* 2010-01-04 - Dag Wieers <dag[AT]wieers[DOTCOM]> - 0.5.1-1
- Added entries for testing repository.
* 2010-01-04 - Dag Wieers <dag[AT]wieers[DOTCOM]> - 0.5.0-1
- Install the GPG keys only for a specific distribution/architecture.
* 2008-03-27 - Dag Wieers <dag[AT]wieers[DOTCOM]> - 0.4.0-1
- Added fabian's ppc repositories and GPG key.
- Removed a lot of cruft.

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