Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 6


netperf - Performance testing tool for TCP/UDP

Netperf is a tool to measure TCP/UDP performance.
License: HP non-commercial Group: applications/internet
URL: http://www.netperf.org/netperf/NetperfPage.html


Latest: netperf-2.6.0-2.el6.fio.src.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
netperf 0 2.6.0 2.el6.fio src 1.2 MiB 2014-04-05 04:54:08


* 2012-09-29 - Denis Fateyev <denis[AT]fateyev[DOTCOM]> - 2.6.0-1
- Updated to release 2.6.0
* 2012-02-23 - Gerd v. Egidy <gerd[AT]egidy.de> - 2.5.0-1
- Updated to release 2.5.0
- License tag changed to reflect COPYING file as included in source
* 2010-06-08 - Dag Wieers <dag[AT]wieers[DOTCOM]> - 2.4.5-1
- Updated to release 2.4.5.
* 2006-10-09 - Dag Wieers <dag[AT]wieers[DOTCOM]> - 2.4.2-1
- Initial package. (using DAR)

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