Fugitol RPMs
CentOS/EL 5


kudzu - The Red Hat Linux hardware probing tool.

Kudzu is a hardware probing tool run at system boot time to determine
what hardware has been added or removed from the system.
License: GPL Group: applications/system
Source: kudzu-1.2.71-9999.1.el5_fio.src.rpm


Latest: kudzu-1.2.71-9999.1.el5_fio.x86_64.rpm
Name Epoch Version Release Arch Size Built
kudzu 0 1.2.71 9999.1.el5_fio x86_64 219 KiB 2011-01-20 07:50:31


* 2007-08-18 - Patrice Guay <patrice.guay[AT]nanotechnologies.qc.ca> - 1.2.71-1
- Rebuilding for CentOS 5 Live CD
* 2007-05-18 - Bill Nottingham <notting[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1.2.71-1
- ignore network devices such as wmasterX that aren't what we want (#239825)
* 2007-04-19 - Bill Nottingham <notting[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1.2.70-1
- don't write alsactl lines (#236918)
* 2007-04-17 - Bill Nottingham <notting[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1.2.69-1
- PS3 support (#236469, <dwmw2@redhat.com>)
* 2007-04-13 - Bill Nottingham <notting[AT]redhat[DOTCOM]> - 1.2.68-1
- pata_hpt* matching (#227281)
- Fix size of memset in pci scanning (<pjones@redhat.com>)
- require zlib during build (<pjones@redhat.com>)

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